Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pine Tree Ridge

If you have been following my blog, you know that, since January, Sandy and I started working on Jan Patek's Block of the Month called "Pine Tree Ridge"   Our plan was to do a block each month, but we were both enjoying it so much that, independently of one another, we worked ahead.   So, last month, I showed you that we were almost half finished.

We are both using fabrics from our stash, so its fun to see how different they are.

This month, I'm reversing the order of our finished blocks.  Mine will be first and Sandy's second.

Here are the 4 blocks that I finished.

And here is Sandy's FINISHED quilt.   
Now the pressure is on me to get mine finished next month. 

Looks like we are going to have to find another project to work on together! 

See ya later, 
Hugs, Anne


Karen said...

I'm loving this quilt and seeing both of your versions is always so fun and inspiring. Great job ladies.

Janet O. said...

I especially love the cute snowman block. : )

sandyfeigner said...

This was so much fun!!! So glad we did it. Cant wait for the next challenge

Darlene said...

You and Sandy always seem to have fun. I love and enjoy your projects and challenges.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Love both of your versions!

Jacqueline said...

When do you guys have time to sleep? Love seeing your progress.

Karen said...

I was working on the bird blocks yesterday. Trying to speed my way through and catch up with you.

Shelina said...

That does look like a fun quilt to make. How wonderful to work on it together.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

You to are over achievers! Beautiful quilt

Anna said...

Love love love how you encourage each other...such an adorable quilt!!!

Jeanna said...

That is such a cute quilt. I look forward to seeing your finish.

Claire said...

Wow that was a fast challenge project! How come mine is taking 4 years? Great work ladies!

Joan said...

You ladies are sewing machines! Very nice work, fun to watch your progress, thanks for letting us join you!

Lori said...

It is darling!

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