Monday, April 3, 2017

Fall Festival

If you've been following my blog or Lori's Humble Quilts blog, you know that she organized a group quilt-a-long doing Jan Patek's quilt, "Fall Festival.

Our homework this month was 3 more blocks and start working on the flying geese that are scattered throughout the quilt.    I got my blocks finished, but haven't started on the geese because I haven't picked the fabric for my sashing.

I'm doing all the applique blocks using wool on cotton.

Here's what we did this month.

At the rate we're going, we will be finished in no time and this is a very large quilt.   
It will be fun to have it finished in time to hang this Fall.
Now go check out Humble Quilts to see what everyone else accomplished this month. 
Thanks, Lori for organizing this fun quilt-a-long.  

See ya later, 
Hugs, Anne


Jeanna said...

I've seen a few other's Fall Festival blocks. They are all so different. I really like yours, wool on cotton.

Lori said...

I'm loving it in wool!

Karen said...

The tall basket is one of my favorites from the pattern set. Don't know why but it is.

Lizzy D said...

Love your color choices.

lizzy gone to the beach

Joan said...

...and I was so proud to embroider some flowers on a project, only took me about 1/2 a day! You ladies are amazing! Love your fabric/color choices too! Sew fun to check in with you, thank you!!!!

Claire said...

Looking great, Anne! Never to early to be stitching for fall :)

Cathy said...

Your blocks are beautiful. Hugs

Srishta Silk said...

I found some useful information in your blog, it was awesome to read, thanks for sharing this great content to my vision, keep sharing..
Master weaver marvel

Crystal Digitizing said...

very nice embroidery digitising service amazing stitches!#